METabolic EXplorer: the construction of its PDO/AB production unit is anticipated to begin at the end of 2018

The project of construction of a 1,3 propanediol (PDO) and butyric acid (BA) production plant on the chemicals platform of Carling Saint-Avold in Moselle, is progressing in compliance with the timing announced by METEX in early 2017.

METabolic EXplorer announced that it has received the certificate of submission and completeness for its environmental permit application and the certificate of submission for the construction permits applications.

A last milestone is expected at the end of June, when the total investment required should be confirmed, as well as the aid package, estimated at around €15m from public and private stakeholders, which will be allocated to this project.

“If everything goes to plan” says Benjamin Gonzalez, METabolic Explorer CEO, “the construction of the plant should begin during the last quarter of 2018”.


METabolic EXplorer
Biopôle Clermont-Limagne
Emilie Plane
Phone: +33 (0) 473 863 601