Year of creation: 1999
Status: Non profit association
Workforce: 4
% of the turnover dedicated to R&D : n/a
Number of patents: n/a

Biopôle Clermont-Limagne
2 rue Michel Renaud
63360 Saint-Beauzire

Isabelle Mounier
Phone: +33 (0) 473 644 357


BUSI, the essential contact for innovating business start-ups in Auvergne.

In addition to the scientific and technical aspects, setting up an innovating business requires expertise in a variety of fields. Legal aspects, economics, finance and regulations are all involved. BUSI exists to provide people with projects the support and advice they expect and need in these respects, with accompaniment by a specialist in the field. BUSI also makes available a financial package* covering 75% of the costs of innovating business start-up projects.


A major strength of the Incubator lies in the diversity of its members – the University of Auvergne,Blaise Pascal University, Centre Jean Perrin, Auvergne Regional Council, Clermont Community, INRA, IFMA and ENITA – making it a crucial part of business life in the region and an important partner for the technological and service hubs, working in close collaboration with business creation support structures and the various research organisations. Project sponsors are thus in direct contact with the local networks and potential of the Auvergne research resources. Right from the start, the new businesses thus contribute to and benefit from the positive environment provided by the innovating companies already present in the region.


Since its beginnings in 1999 in the context of the law concerning innovation, 60% of the projects supported by BUSI have given concrete results (60 companies and over 250 highly-skilled jobs created in the region). This is what makes the Incubator an essential element in the creation of innovating businesses in Auvergne.
* financial support from the Ministry for Research, the European Union, the Auvergne Regional Council and Clermont Community.