Year of creation: 1995
Status: simplified joint stock company
Workforce: 220
% of the turnover dedicated to R&D : NC
Number of patents: NC

Biopôle Clermont-Limagne
6 rue Emile Duclaux
63360 Saint-Beauzire

Anne Delannoy – Marketing & Communication manager
Phone: +33 473 339 999
Email :


Groupe Icare: your expert partner in health product safety.

With 30 years’ experience, the Groupe icare stands out as a leader in international standardisation and regulation. We guide healthcare industry through the complex regulatory landscape, ensuring that every healthcare device and product is marketed in full compliance and safety.

Our expertise covers a wide range of services essential to ensuring the excellence and compliance of your products:

  • Biocompatibility and Toxicology: Rigorous assessment for safe use.
  • Validation and Qualification: Certified processes for proven performance.
  • Microbiology and Contamination Control: Strict protocols for flawless microbiological integrity.
  • Quality and Regulatory Affairs: Constant monitoring for uncompromising compliance.
  • Training and Consulting: Shared expertise for perfect control.


Rely on the ICARE Group to navigate the regulatory and standards-related world of health products with confidence.

Icare, approved training organization, certified QUALIOPI